23 Oct - 04 Nov 2009

Between my last journal post in SP Pegasus and these entries we had packed up and camp and moved to FOB Wilson. The move went smoothly enough, but it was a real tough adjustment coming back to a larger, more regulated camp. The care free days of being an OMLT team on the fringes of the wild west of the insurgency raging in Helmand were gone, it was replaced by pressing matters like hair cuts, bloused boots and attending briefings about upcoming briefings.

But it was also significant because our rotation suffered it’s first Canadian casualty of the tour. It struck close to home for us because it was Lieutenant Justin Boyes who was patrolling with the P-OMLT on 28 Oct 2009 when they encountered and IED. He was killed and two others were injured; I’ll never forget when they broke the news.

Just two days later tragedy struck again on 30 Oct 2009 when Sapper Steven Marshall was also killed by an IED. He was a close friend of my brothers who also happened to be deployed on the same tour but was with the battle group in a different AOR.

I have to stop at this point and acknowledge my parents Bill and Sharon and my sister Angela as well as the all the parents, spouses, kids and family of those who’ve ever deployed. It’s one thing to be in the thick of it where things are stressful but you are in control of your destiny…it is a whole different kind of unimaginable stress filled with the unknowns, worrying about a loved one and having no control whatsoever. Thank you.

The following entries pick up after the move and our adjustment were over and we resumed operations.

23 Oct 2009

Things have improved since my last entry, which after reading seems pretty harsh. Been prepping for an OP the past two days, packing rations, water checking kit, etc. It’s been a lot of work but I admit it needed to be done. Today was our first of 10 days of VCP’s which was pretty uneventful. We found a foot (in a puddle) of an insurgent who’d been planting an IED and was hit by a hellfire, we laughed pretty hard*. Watched the ANA beat on some USPI and other security guys and did some small patrols to the South. We are going out again tomorrow to do it all over again which will be tedious. After supper I worked on a cool ANA patient with the US Role 1 PA/MO. Otitis Interna with possible septicemia. Bugs and I treated him together and he was 9-Linered out of FOB Wilson to Camp Hero. That makes 3 ANA I’ve sent back for non-combat injuries/illnesses.

*We laughed hard because the guys called me over to treat a “casualty” they had found…maybe you had to be there.

26 Oct 2009

More of the same over the past few days, up and down Hwy 1 doing VCP’s. Not much to note really, compared to my last entry this seems rather boring. Doing more driving which I figure is the most dangerous road race ever….Dakar Rally be damned. Done a few more foot patrols which have been good to break the monotony of the day. No contacts as of yet but it seems like things are ramping up, especially with the election kick off only a week or two away. That should be crazy! Took some good photos this week of me and the guys out on the town. It’s a little dramatic but I had to get a couple good ones of me so that if I bite it at least there will something to put up on the slideshow. Feel like I’m starting to beat this cold I have, finally…I hat being sick here. Should have some more OTC’s tomorrow or the day after if the CLP comes in. There are a lot of sick dudes including the ANA Colonel who wanted me to give him antibiotics for his cold! I’m not sure western medicine will ever catch on here, this is the breeding ground of tomorrows super bugs. Oh well, what can you do; get over it! Ha ha, the folks would be proud.

29 Oct 2009

Oh my god, when will this nightmare operation end? It’s been groundhog day everyday for a week now doing these stupid VCP’s. I’ve never done anything so pointless on tour before. Today I was so bored I made a corn cob pipe while we were parked on the side of Hwy 1. The rest of the day I read my book. Not much else to mention really, taking some good pictures, not doing any mentoring at all and generally just making poop. Saw the ANA CO again who I gave more drugs to. He said if he didn’t wake up he had witnesses who would get me if he died….pretty sure he was only half kidding. Got another package with some food, clothes and an awesome hat. Working on the Remembrance Day piece for Dad and Mom to read at the service back home which should be pretty good. A P-OMLT officer died yesterday morning after stepping on a PPIED, two more were injured. We had a small ceremony here that was short and to the point but at the same time very good.

04 Nov 2009

Quite a bit has happened over the past few days and I am disappointed that I left my entry so long. To start 71C had an IED strike and one of my guys was in the vehicle. Thankfully no one was hurt. The VCP operation we were on is finally over but now because the election was called off we are going back to VCP’s, this time with 6-1. Got some pictures of the ANA medics and put together an assessment document with names and company they belong to. Should be able to show them how to use the electronics in there new Humvee ambulances they just got issued sometime this week. Alex lost a buddy in an IED strike a few days ago which is awful and I hope he is doing ok. Had the padre out for a service last night that was very good, the sermons are always excellent. My computer crashed hard but thankfully the LCIS guys could restore it. I would have been pissed if I lost all my pictures.




Bavarian Bugout