John Thomson John Thomson

Haybox Hijinks

“We never got caught, even though they knew who did it…”

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John Thomson John Thomson


“Don’t discount your own voice, it’s a vital component in the symphony played by the orchestra that is the CAF.”

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John Thomson John Thomson

Canada’s Military Colleges - A degree too far

“The Royal Military College in Kingston was founded in 1874 and the Canadian Airborne Regiment in 1968. We disbanded one that was found have systemic cultural problems after just 27 years, perhaps after 148 years it’s time we do it to the other”

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John Thomson John Thomson

The So What, What if, War

“Just like at the outset of every other major conflict it has ever entered, it will be woefully unprepared. So what?”

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John Thomson John Thomson

Veterans at War (with one another)

“These are the battlefields where the great veteran heroes of this war send scathing, self-righteous, opinionated salvos back and forth at one another with nearly complete anonymity.”

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John Thomson John Thomson

Honour-less & Rewards

The reason, I was told, “the selection process is stringent so as not to water down the significance of the award.”  

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John Thomson John Thomson

One for the Queen

“As the years slipped by the other portraits changed frequently, but never hers. Queen Elizabeth II and her watchful, regal eyes never faltered.”

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John Thomson John Thomson

The Snowbirds Swan Song

“The Snowbirds are, & will always be a Canadian icon, but in terms of recruiting value & relevance in a world of 5th gen fighters, Top Gun: Maverick, and Miles Teller's moustache, their best days are far behind them...”

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John Thomson John Thomson

Defence: A Referendum Question

“We need the collective opinion of our country, decided in a referendum, to answer the questions legitimately and definitively about how the Canadian Armed Forces, are employed and equipped”

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John Thomson John Thomson


“Aside from a cow with a particularly odd “moo”, whose story I will leave for one of my friends to tell, the location was surreal.”

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John Thomson John Thomson

30 Days Standing Alone

“is this all that is left of the nation that stormed Vimy Ridge after every other great allied nation failed?”

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John Thomson John Thomson

Doing More With Less

“the people in the CAF are by far the most impressive asset of organization, but also its greatest enemy”

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John Thomson John Thomson

Stairs or Ladders

“all we heard was the M/Cpl asking us in a loud, incredulous voice if we were born stupid or did we study hard to become stupid.”

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John Thomson John Thomson

A Winters Night Walk

This is a departure from my normal writing, it’s not a veteran story but rather an opinion piece I felt compelled to write given the war that has erupted in Ukraine.

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John Thomson John Thomson

Battle School Boots

“…first morning inspection of battle school, always a great time for the staff (I know that now haha) and always a near pant shitting first exposure for new guys.”

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John Thomson John Thomson

Veteran Weaponization

Is using your identity as a veteran to influence public opinion to align with your own personal beliefs an expropriation of values and the reputation of the CAF which afforded you that status?

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