16 - 26 November 2009

It wasn’t until the fall of Kabul earlier this year, which prompted me go through and share my journal entries from my last deployment, did I remember during that tour the H1N1 “Swine Flu” pandemic was also taking place.

Maybe it took a back seat in my memory because I was more concerned about where I was stepping then a virus given the likelihood of surviving H1N1 was good, whereas the likelihood of surviving IED blast…not so much. Either way it was funny to read about delivering the vaccines for a pandemic in the midst of war zone, while drinking bourbon in the comfort of my basement writing about it during another pandemic.

Don’t get me wrong, I took it seriously at the time, and I still do, but by that point I had been given more immunizations, taken multiple types of anti-malarials, and walked through wadi’s that doubled as sewers. One more shot wasn’t going to hurt me and I think for the most part everyone else was more or less on the same page.

For those who read my last blog post from my journal entries, the ANA soldier from our team who stepped on the pressure plate IED on 11 November survived his wounds. We heard from Mirwais Hospital later on 12 Nov that our guy had made it through surgery but had lost 3/4 limbs. It was bitter sweet. We were proud that we had saved his life but our ANA friends and one of our interpreters said it would have been better if we had left him to bleed out on the ground. “Now,” they explained, “he will be a burden on his family, likely outcast to live his life on the street as a beggar.” Talk about an ethical dilemma when “do no harm” does just that. I’ve never really squared it in my mind, it’s just one of those things that you wonder about from time to time…there is no right answer.

The following journal entries pick up 5 days after that IED contact.

16 Nov 09

The past five days have been very quiet with next to nothing going on. The ANA haven’t wanted to any training or anything other than sit on their assess and that means we have done the same. Khair the Sergeant Medic for the ANA hasn’t been around so I haven’t really done much with them either. Had a haircut the other day and feel a little more human and not so hippy. Played hockey last night with the American medics against their HQ. It was a blast and we kicked their assess, 23-4. Sags and I scored a good portion of their goals which was funny because the “Canadian Hockey” comments came out in strength. Haven’t had any mail in while so looking forward to the next CLP in a few days. Getting our H1N1 vaccines today, Critchley flew out from KAF with the supplies and vaccines. Not looking forward to it at all and I hope I don’t get under the weather from the shots. Wish I was home right now.

18 Nov 09

Again pretty uneventful few days since we were on camp. Got to do some mentoring of the 1st and 2nd Coy ANA on first aid training. It went reasonably well except for Khair who left after introducing the training to go and work on some sort of electrical problem? He is undoubtedly the only guy keeping this army running, I am pretty sure. Started a pipe club so I am one of the founding fathers. So far it only 3 of us, Capt Henderson, Capt McRobbie and myself. It’s hilarious to everyone else to see us siting in a circle smoking and talking. I really enjoy it since the conversations are better than with most others. Got two packages from Mom & Dad which was great, I was starting to wonder if they got lost. I shared the food and kept the books. Got my H1N1 flu shot which stung pretty bad. Going out with Bravo tomorrow to pick up some cement barriers. Normally I wouldn’t but they are in a shitty area prone to IED’s and 82mm attacks if guys stay in one place for any length of time; plus I haven’t been out with them ye and I feel like they’re due and not much to mentor on right now anyways. Have to get on the MOD 14’s and patient stats over the next few days because after that we are going to be on an operation.

20 Nov 09

Got our orders for OP Padlock coming up in the next few days. It will be interesting as we are clearing eastern Zhari with the US and there are a lot of moving parts. Re-jiggered my kit and I think it will work a lot better, it’s certainly more streamlined. Yesterday spent a long day down on the road with Bravo, I slept for most of its stopping to eat and pee. A stupid ANA guy dropped his loaded and readied PKM with the barrel pointed right at me and we both look at each other wondering how the damn thing didn’t go off! Definitely getting logged as a close call in my books. The guys have put an addition on the tent to increase our living space and it is very good. Worked on some ground rules for the smoking club and drew a logo in case we decided to have some jackets made up on the boardwalk in KAF. Tried to arrange a career manager visit but the phones were down so I sent an email instead. Sounds like everyone at home is doing well.

26 Nov 09

Op Badloon 2 was a success except for the 2nd Coy ANA guy who struck an IED and died of his wounds and the loss of his two legs. It was Bravo and Sags who treated the casualty. The Op nabbed 2 Taliban mid level commanders and IED makers which is good but there was a lot of idiocy involved, especially on the American side. On 23 or 24 Nov FOB Wilson came under indirect fire and resulted in 6 wounded and 1 KIA, all US. Of course I left Sags back in the FOB because of his ANA casualty and took his patrol so he could rest, but of course one of the mortars landed about 40 metres from him. He was stellar apparently and will be put up for some H&A. I know its got to be taking its toll because everywhere he goes a shitstorm usually follows. I’m glad he is getting a break with his HLTA coming up. Ang sent me an email and said mom is taking Alex and I being here really hard. Have to call home more often.


Hand Written Notes


“The Art of Fucking The Dog”